Uniquely You


Not Everyone Has to Like You, Not Everyone Has Taste.

In the tapestry of souls, embrace your authenticity, Where depth meets essence, find your serenity. Opinions, like fleeting whispers, hold no decree, Your brilliance unwavering, your spirit wild and free.


A gem rare, not for every eye to see, In uniqueness, lies your extraordinary decree. Let judgments fade, let your essence unfurl, In your authenticity, find your own precious pearl.


Not every heart comprehends your genuine song, Some are yet learning, where they truly belong. In the dance of your quirks, in your spirit so free, Unapologetically, be who you're meant to be.


Amidst conformity's shadows, your light brightly gleams, A beacon of uniqueness in a world of dreams. In the symphony of souls, let your melody play, For in being unapologetically you, you'll find your way.

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